We have seen the future, and it sucks.

Today in Witch-Hunt Culture

30th March 2022

Jan. 6 White House logs given to House show 7-hour gap in Trump calls (Washington Post)

Gerald Ford tried to impeach a Supreme Court justice — and failed (Washington Post) This is in relation to the current witch-hunt against Clarence Thomas.

‘Do your job’: Jan. 6 committee presses DOJ as push for Meadows contempt charge languishes (Politico)

Democrats push Garland to come down on uncooperative Trump allies (Axios) Can’t have a witch-hunt without actually hunting the witches.

Pelosi: ‘I fear for our democracy’ if Republicans win House (The Hill) In the Narrative, ‘democracy’ means ‘Democrat vote fraud’.

Donald Trump just released the most Donald Trump statement ever (Washington Post) Yanking their chains since 2014.

CIA Officer Who Signed Hunter Biden Laptop Letter Claims Credit For Trump Loss

Jake Tapper Raises Hunter Biden — as Trump’s Crazy Request to Vicious Vladimir Putin

Idiots Ruhle: MSNBC Lies About FL Anti-Grooming Law, Smear DeSantis Spox

Kimmel Laments Florida Teachers Can’t Explain ‘Their Governor is a D**khead’

Toobin Blames GOP For Increased SCOTUS Confirmation Partisanship  Tell that to Robert Bork.

FEC Fines Clinton, Dems for Debunked Dossier

FEC Fines Hillary Clinton, DNC Over Steele Dossier Hoax

Finnish Court Clears Christian Politician, Bishop of ‘Hate Speech’ Charges

Putin Loyalist Threatens Nuclear Strike on Europe If NATO Force Deploys


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