We have seen the future, and it sucks.

Today in Progressive Totalitarianism

25th February 2022

Speed Bump Comic Strip for February 25, 2022

Steve Jobs’ heir reportedly eying Nancy Pelosi’s San Francisco House seat (S.F. Gate)

Steve Jobs’ son Reed Jobs has no interest in Nancy Pelosi’s House seat: report

Moderate Democrats are still deluded about how to win (Washington Post)

Pack of robbers steal $500,000 in goods from NYC store Time to leave.

Facing climate and social justice crises, older people are getting back into the protest battle (Boston Globe)

Nets Skip Ukraine Expanding Gun Rights Before Invasion, Handing Out Guns

How Henry Cuellar Used Campaign Cash To Fund a Private Plane  What’s the use of having power if you can’t abuse it?

Patreon blocks Ukrainian volunteers charity account

Audiences Reject Woke Television: Many Leftist Shows Cancelled in 2022

MSNBC: Biden’s Deeply Liberal SCOTUS Pick Is ‘Middle of the Road’

The Gender Wage Gap: Fact or Fiction?

Hostin: Criticism of Biden SCOTUS Pick ‘Based on Race, Not on Qualifications’  When her primary qualification is her race, they are the same.

Putin Withdraws From Ukraine After Celebrities Threaten To Sing ‘Imagine’  Babylon Bee.


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