We have seen the future, and it sucks.

Today in Global Warming Hysteria

25th February 2022

Americans want to fight climate change with nature (The Hill)

Feds rescind license extension for Florida nuclear plant (Asscoiated Press)

Fossil Fuel Industry Emitting 70% More Methane Than Official Numbers Show (Gizmodo)

Why Methane Is a Large and Underestimated Threat to Climate Goals (Yale Environment 360)

Black carbon pollution from tourism and research increasing Antarctic snowmelt, study says (The Guardian)

Soot is accelerating snow melt in popular parts of Antarctica, a study finds (NPR)

Wild animals seen at Beijing 2022 show success of environmental protection efforts (Global Times)

A New Study Has Found The Year When Sea Level Rise Truly Began Accelerating (Science Alert)

Sea levels have been rising since the American Civil War. The reason? Coal (Salon)

Will California go big on climate action? Here’s what lawmakers want (L.A. Times)

Santa Barbara’s Monique Limón and Steve Bennett Co-Author Bill for Climate Change Accountability (Santa Barbara Independent)

Greenland Melting From the Bottom Up (Weather.com)

First on CNN: Climate groups launch pressure campaign aimed at Biden ahead of State of the Union (CNN)

UC Berkeley students are now considered pollution under California environmental law (S.F. Chronicle)

White House science office to hold first event on countering climate change denial and delay (Washington Post)

John Kerry fears Russia-Ukraine war will distract from climate change

Mid-winter polar bear sea ice habitat is abundant & within range of long-term average

Special Report: Digital Brownshirts Attacking Free Speech on Climate Change Boosted by Liberal Media

John Kerry Orders Emergency Airdrop Of Solar Panels To Ukraine To Offset Carbon Emissions  Babylon Bee.


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