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A Rape Survivor Gave Police Her DNA. They Linked Her to Another Crime

24th February 2022

Read it.

In 2016, a rape survivor voluntarily provided her DNA to San Francisco law enforcement officers so that her attacker might be brought to justice. Five years later, the sample she provided led police to connect her to an unrelated burglary, according to San Francisco district attorney Chesa Boudin. The woman faced a felony property charge, but Boudin dropped the case, saying the use of her DNA was a violation of her Fourth Amendment right against unreasonable searches and seizures.

No, it isn’t. She voluntarily gave up the sample, which is in law the same as consenting to a search. Boudin is just looking for excuses to let criminals off in cases where it will make him look good. (I doubt that the victims of the burglary were consulted. Nobody cares about the victims unless they belong to a Fashionable Minority.)

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