We have seen the future, and it sucks.

Today in Progressive Totalitarianism

19th February 2022

Eric Adams to crack down on rule-breaking on NYC subway with new safety plan

Another effort to tax ‘extreme wealth’ in California is launched in Legislature (L.A.Times) Democrats are incapable of seeing a pile of money without wanting to steal it.

If voters don’t stop it, election deniers could kill American democracy (CNN) In the Narrative Media, ‘democracy’ means ‘Democrat vote fraud’.

Americans are fleeing to places where political views match their own (NPR) And about time, too.

The never-before-told backstory of Pence’s Jan. 6 argument (Politico) Or at least what they’d like you to believe.

California bill would have citizens enforce weapons ban (Associated Press) Hey, it worked for the Soviets.

Squad politics backfire (Axios)

Woman Injured After Stray Bullet Flies Into San Francisco Restaurant (NBC) Amazing how well those strict gun control laws work. Funny how this sort of thing never happens in Texas.

Newsom Rips Into Fox News, OAN, Newsmax, Calling Them “Propaganda Networks”; Announces New State Unit To Combat Misinformation  For Democrats, anything contrary to the Narrative is ‘misinformation’.

California High School Caves After Students Stage Walkout Over Mask Mandate

At Least 10 States Pondering Over 40 Bills Tightening Voter ID Requirements

MSNBC: Lifting Mask Mandates Tough for Dem Governors Because Liberals Wear Them as ID

UK University Backtracks After Encouraging Staff To Use ‘Neopronouns’, ‘Emojiself’, And ‘Catgender’ Terms

MSNBC: GOP ‘Syndicate’ Just Trying to Raise Money With Durham Story


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