We have seen the future, and it sucks.

Would You Take Free Land in Rural America?

30th January 2022

Read it.

The reason rural America had a lot of small towns is because rural America had a lot of small farms. That is no longer the case.

2 Responses to “Would You Take Free Land in Rural America?”

  1. The Road to the Western Lands Says:

    Oh yea! Especially in the Kanarodo Smoky Hills Windmill Farm region.
    Kansas is beautiful and the drive across is fun while family can’t stand it and nap out.
    Saw a burning bushfire just passed Fort Riley on one road trip during a 100+ degree heatwave with an asbestos suited fireman working on it with a water tanker.

  2. Tim of Angle Says:

    Uh, yeah. Can’t wait to move there….