Today in Progressive Totalitarianism
28th December 2021
Here are 20 major media stories CNN’s Brian Stelter ignored on his so-called media show in 2021
Americans must rally against the real threat to our democracy: China (Washington Post) I thought thta the ‘threat to our democracy’ was Republicans? I wish they’d make up their minds.
U.S. democracy frayed over the past year. Senate Democrats must repair the damage. (Washington Post) In the Narrative Media, ‘democracy’ means ‘Democrat vote fraud’.
Americans Are Voting With Their Feet—Against Blue States
Embarrassing NY Times: Elf on the Shelf a ‘Spy,’ But No FBI Spies in Trump Camp?
Alexa tells girl to put coin in plug socket
Taibbi: The Democrats’ Education Lunacies Will Bring Back Trump
In Retrospect, Woman Attending Communist-Themed Party Should Have Realized There Wouldn’t Be Any Food Babylon Bee. And all the utensils were wood.
The Washington State Straitjacket Tightens Jan. 1
The horror! Spanish actor plays a Cuban-American
Russia Mocks Woke American Snowflakes With Christmas Diversity Guide