We have seen the future, and it sucks.

Today in Witch-Hunt Culture

26th December 2021

Marjorie Taylor Greene Accuses Jewish Space Lasers of Trying to Shoot Down Santa (New Yorker) Andy Borowitz tries to be the left-wing Babylon Bee and fails miserably.

Marjorie Taylor Greene Wants To ‘Restore’ America to Christian Principles (Newsweek) No, she wants to restore Christian principles to America. Trust Newsweek to get it wrong.

Edward Snowden Takes Aim at Donald Trump for Not Pardoning Him (Newsweek) Well, Creepy Joe hasn’t pardoned him either.

Jan. 6 committee subpoenas for sitting lawmakers could enter ‘dangerous Constitutional territory’

ABC’s ‘This Week’ Panel Attacks Manchin ‘He Represents Plutocrats’  I hate to let the cat out of the bag, but all legislators represent plutocrats, because plutocrats have money, and politicians need money to get re-elected in order to preserve their grasp on power. A depressing number of people in the Narrative Media appear unfamiliar with the way the world works. Perhaps it’s going to college that does it.

The O’Keefe Project: The Times restrained (2)


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