We have seen the future, and it sucks.

Aborted Future

2nd December 2021

ZMan ponders the Great Issue of the Day.

Conservative Inc. has been abuzz with excitement over the abortion case recently argued before the Supreme Court. They think this is the big win they have been promising for more than half a century. The five “conservative” justices appear ready to overturn Roe and even Roberts seems to be leaning that way. Oral arguments seemed to center on whether they should reverse Roe entirely or try to find a piecemeal approach to begin the process of reversing it.

One of the ironies of this is that this was made possible by the man Conservative Inc. declared an enemy of their cult back in 2015. If the court does overturn Roe, you can be sure no one in the dying cult of conservatism will have the principles to both admit they were wrong and give Trump credit for the result. They will just pretend none of that happened and use the event to scam their donors one more time. Conservatives never give a sucker an even break or smarten up a chump.

This is all a tempest in a teapot. If Roe is overturned, the Blue States will immediately enact abort-any-time-you-want-to laws and the baby-killing will continue unabated; at most it will be an inconvenience for the Abortion Barbies in the redder states (although there will be perpetual handwringing from the Usual Suspects in the Narrative Media about the oppression of People Of Color, as if killing black babies is some kind of liberation). Margaret Sanger will be looking up from Hell and grinning like the Joker in any event.

If the court does overturn Roe this summer, you will see some grannies and Nth-wave feminist lesbians out making noise. The Left will do a nostalgia tour, pretending it is 1970 all over again. They will pull the old signs out of storage and reminisce about the old days when they were hip and cool. Like so much of our politics, the response to overturning Roe will be another magical mystery tour of the past. Then it will be forgotten along with the events around it.


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