Today in Progressive Totalitarianism
28th November 2021
Philadelphia Ties Its All Time Homicide Record After Murder In Broad Daylight This Week
NY Times Asks: Why Do Blue States Suck?
Suffolk eyes preserving land in environmental justice areas (Newsday) More of the ‘environmental justice’ trope.
Canada’s indigenous health expert Carrie Bourassa loses job when ancestry claims prove false
San Francisco guard, a former cop, shot and killed protecting news crew covering a smash-and-grab
The ‘Visible Deterioration’ in American Democracy Is Just the Start (Daily Beast)
Notre Dame Cathedral slammed over rebuild plans turning it into ‘woke theme park’
Wisconsin senators warn in rare joint statement outsiders may try to exploit Waukesha tragedy for ‘political purposes’ (CNN) Oh, as the Narrative Media did with Rittenhouse?
Antifa Member Who Took Axe To Senate Office Given Probation And His Axe Back
San Francisco TV Reporter Cautions Against Use of Word ‘Looting’
LAPD Targets “Follow-Home” Robbery Crime Wave