We have seen the future, and it sucks.

Not Reconciled: An Update

29th October 2021

Scott Johnson at Power Line.

Yesterday morning the White House posted a summary of its so-called Framework of a Spendapalooza bill to be jammed through Congress by Democrats in a reconciliation bill. The White House posted the summary just before President Biden went up to Capitol Hill to meet with the House Democratic caucus.

Biden followed up with one of those 20-minute White House speeches in which he stares vacantly into the teleprompter while he struggles to read the text served up to him. The White House has posted the text of his remarks here. I have posted the video below.

The falsity of the remarks lies somewhere between painful and outrageous. Listening to Biden recite the text is tortuous. If ordered by a court as punishment for a crime, it might violate the Eighth Amendment protection against cruel and unusual punishment.

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