We have seen the future, and it sucks.

Fakin’ it: Shamala Edition

12th October 2021

Scott Johnson at Power Line.

I took a look at the Biden fakery, most recently, here over the weekend. Vice President Kamala Harris takes fakery to a new level. She is such a synthetic character she might have been created in a laboratory as a joke, perhaps by Dr. Frankenstein high on drugs. You can make this stuff up, but it defies credulity.

It turns out that the entire cast of Harris’s weird space video was made up of actors pretending to be students interested in Harris’s meditations. The Examiner has a good story on the video production, noting that “[t]he actors flew to Washington during the second week of August, filming Wednesday through Friday. At the time, the U.S.-backed government in Afghanistan was in collapse, with Washington’s withdrawal from the two-decade conflict…”

UPDATE: Shamala: The real thing


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