We have seen the future, and it sucks.

America Experiences a Homeschooling Boom

8th September 2021

Read it.

The COVID-19 pandemic has disrupted many things here in America. As every parent knows, one of the major disruptions took place in the realm of education. News has been coming out that among the disruptions in education has been the number of parents choosing to homeschool their kids. Now, we’re not talking about the quasi-homeschooling that all kids experienced when their schools closed and all the kids went to Zoom School, we’re talking about folks who have decided to unenroll their students from public or private school and teach their children themselves.

Some good news for a change.

One Response to “America Experiences a Homeschooling Boom”

  1. RealRick Says:

    I know of several neighbors that have pulled their kids out of school this year. When they got involved with the classrooms, they discovered that their kids were being indoctrinated with what amounts to Communism. The shocking thing is that this is a pretty conservative district that is considered one of the best in the state.

    I was shocked in college to find out that if someone wanted to teach chemistry, they only needed 1/3 of the chemistry credits that someone who wanted a Bachelor of Science degree. Also far less math and no foreign language. The School of Education considered classes on teaching more important than the subject matter. Decades of putting underqualified people into school systems has turned this into a nightmare.