We have seen the future, and it sucks.

The Critical Conservative Race ‘Panic’

9th July 2021

Read it.

“Critical race theory” has become the latest “Republicans pounce” story. Liberal media outlets are upset that this is being debated before school boards. On July 7, CNN reporter Elle Reeve complained “relentless propaganda from some conservatives created a panic that white people and especially white children are under attack.”

Perish the thought.

There is zero doubt that after all the overwrought journalistic elevation of George Floyd’s death into a “landmark” historical event that exposed “systemic racism,” the schools would follow. The so-called “hard conversations” – one-sided “anti-racism” diatribes about how America remains hopelessly, structurally racist – are happening in classrooms all across America. But it’s the parents who are “pouncing.”

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