We have seen the future, and it sucks.

Stoyak: Racist Rampage Edition

30th June 2021

Severian turns it up to 11.

As you can probably tell from the title (“stoyak” means “boner” in Russian), those of us who actually kinda enjoyed the Cold War are getting that lovin’ feelin’ all over again these days. Everyone on this side of the aisle has compared CNN, MSDNC, Fox News, et al to Pravda, but that’s actually a real slander on the Bolshies’ professionalism. Even at its worst, Pravda wouldn’t put out the kind of ham-handed shit our “news” organizations do. Not even a drunken junior sub-editor in the ass end of Siberia would make up stuff that bad. It’s the kind of thing a sixth grader would crank out the day it’s due on the ride to school. On the short bus.

Which is why it doesn’t matter what the alleged shooter in the alleged false flag allegedly did. Is it true? Did it happen the way they say it did? Did it even happen at all? None of it matters. Yeah, I’m sure there are some idiots out there who believe it actually happened the way the papers say it did, but — crucially — they “believe” it because they want it to be true. NOT because they trust “the news,” because they ostentatiously don’t trust the news — the same people who are certain that this kid snapped because of White Privilege are the ones who are certain that the Mainstream Media was in the tank for Donald Trump. They’re sure they are a persecuted minority, under siege from evil badwhite gremlins and their chieftain, the Bad Orange Man, so all this stuff is of a piece.


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