We have seen the future, and it sucks.

‘White Supremacy’ Ju-Jitsu

29th June 2021

The Other McCain does some sociology.

The liberal considers himself to be inherently superior to others, and thus endowed with greater knowledge and moral virtue about everything, including race relations. The fact that you disagree with the liberal is, to him, proof of your inferiority.

The subject of your disagreement is irrelevant, and it doesn’t matter why you’re disagreeing with the liberal, or what facts or logic you might be able to muster in defense of your position. what you have done, by your disagreement, is to deny the liberal’s superiority. His entire identity — his sense of his own worthiness — is invested in the belief that his political opinion proves him to be a better person than you.

Liberal superiority is tautological in this way, a circular argument in which the conclusion is a restatement of the first premise.

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