We have seen the future, and it sucks.

Today in Witch-Hunt Culture

29th June 2021

Obama: Trump broke ‘core tenet’ of democracy with ‘bunch of hooey’ over election (The Guardian) Non-fraudulent elections IS a core tenet of democracy.

Post-White House Donald Trump Continues to Destroy Norms (Time)

YouTube reinstates channel devoted to exposing conservative extremism

Imagine if a Squad member called a general a stupid pig. Tucker Carlson just did. (Washington Post) Nobody but Republicans would mind, least of all the Washington Post.

UN rights chief urges US to ‘stop denying and start dismantling racism’  (CNN)

UN human rights chief calls for reparations over racism (BBC)

General Milley, critical race theory and why GOP’s ‘woke’ military concerns miss the mark (NBC)

Charlie Sykes Calls Tucker Carlson ‘Pampered Man-Child Trust Fund Baby’ Over Milley Comments (Newsweek)

Yale Student Government Condemns Israel for ‘Genocide’  ‘Student government’ is, of course, an oxymoron.

Calif. Bans State Travel to Fla., 4 Other States Over LGBTQ Laws

HBO Drama Attacks Whites’ ‘Poisoned Perspective, Distorted by Centuries of Dominance’

CNN Cherry-Picks One Trump Supporter To Scaremonger ‘Civil War’

Frustrated Women Demand Trans Women In Public Restrooms Stop Leaving The Toilet Seat Up Babylon Bee.

USS Alabama Park Rejected Trump Rally for ‘Partisan Political Event’


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