We have seen the future, and it sucks.

Artificial Intelligence Has Caused a 50% to 70% Decrease in Wages—Creating Income Inequality and Threatening Millions of Jobs

27th June 2021

Read it.

Forbes magazine now being fully Woke, it’s unfortunate that millions of jobs are threatened but it’s the ‘income inequality’ that really burns their butts.

By definition, half of the population is below average in intelligence. If you think about some of the 100 (average) IQ people you know, you’ll realize that this means that a lot of our population are mentally slow (compared to the rest). Most employers don’t like having slow thinkers on payroll because they take extra effort to train and manage, and longer to do most tasks; so, if one can purchase a machine that will do the same work with less managerial effort, that’s a win. Plus they don’t require (government-mandated) benefits or take off sick or have family emergencies or join unions. Really, there’s very little downside to replacing unskilled or semi-skilled labor with robots — except politically.

The Crust doesn’t mind replacing workers with robots because (a) they’re part of the class profiting thereby (Bill Gates, Tim Cook, Mark Zuckerberg) and (b) it increases the size of the Underclass dependent on government for their livelihoods and so reliable votes for the Party of Free Stuff (Democrats). Dimwits are by their nature Low-Information Voters, Joe Biden’s base.

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