We have seen the future, and it sucks.

Pakistan Struggles to Contain the Radicalism It Fostered

25th June 2021

Read it.

Pakistan’s tolerance for radicalism has deadly consequences for its neighbors. “India is the second largest Muslim nation in the world and Bangladesh has a large Muslim community where there is a section which can be expected to lead to violent protests and embrace radicalization,” said Ambassador Trigunayat.

India has been victimized by Pakistani terrorists, including Laskhar e-Taiba, which orchestrated the deadly 2009 Mumbai attack that killed 166 people.

Bangladesh suffered attacks from Pakistani-linked terrorist groups, such Harkatul Jihad al-Islami Bangladesh (HuJI-B), and Jamaat ul-Mujahideen (JMB). JMB maintained ties with Laskhar e-Taiba and sent militants for training in Pakistan. Bangladesh expelled a Pakistani diplomat in 2015 for allegedly smuggling fake Indian currency to finance terrorism.

But, of course, as we all know, Islam is THE Religion of Peace.

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