We have seen the future, and it sucks.

Musician Is Killed for Banging on a Door

5th September 2007

Read it. Note the fact that this is a thinly-disguised screed against Texas and the use of force to defend one’s dwelling place.

To begin with, the musician wasn’t “banging on a door”, he was trying to kick the door in. That’s attempted breaking & entering, right there.

The guy was warned off but wouldn’t go away. The homeowner deliberately shot high (as he thought), but the guy was six-foot-five (an unusual height, I would say) and was struck by the bullet.

Marsha McCartney, president of the North Texas chapter of the Brady Campaign to Prevent Gun Violence, called Mr. Albrecht’s death “one more gun tragedy.”

Wel, it was certainly a tragedy, but it’s hard to see how it’s a gun tragedy. One of the uses of guns is to defend yourself when a 6’5″ guy hallucinating on drugs comes trying to kick your door down. This sort of tragedy can be avoided by, hey, staying off other people’s property and refraining from attempting to break into somebody’s house at 4 a.m.

One Response to “Musician Is Killed for Banging on a Door”

  1. Cathy Says:

    They also forgot to mention a few other incovenient facts. First, he was trying to kick in the neighbor’s door because he was too drunk to notice that he not at his girlfriend’s house any more. Second, he was outside because she had locked him out of her house. Third, and somewhat the most inconvenient, Dallas local news reports that his girlfriend locked him out after he assaulted her. None of these facts fit the agenda, so, oops, they just forgot to mention them.