Liberals vs. Leftists
22nd May 2021
Freeberg has a bone to pick.
I’m not in favor of replacing the word “liberals” with “leftists.” It is true that much of the criticism we have for the liberals should more fairly be redirected toward dedicated leftists, and in a lot of cases it is true that the real problem is there, with leftism. But not all the criticism, and not all the cases.
That’s why I rarely use the term ‘liberal’. Gladstone was a liberal; Ted Kennedy was a progressive, and rather tediously so. And AOC is a proglodyte, quite obviously.
May 22nd, 2021 at 14:54
They’re all commiecrats as far as I care. They’re dedicated to destroying all that made this country great with their stupidity and hurt feelings.
They can’t rename the Democratic Party as the Communist Party because the actual Communist Party doesn’t want to be associated with the dirtbags that run the Dems.
Shit also comes in various shades, but it all stinks.