We have seen the future, and it sucks.

Myths & Mysteries

14th May 2021

Zman’s weekly podcast. Highly recommended.

A topic I keep returning to is how the new fads sweeping our elites are like primitive rituals rather than old time ideology. The Marxists really thought their economic policies would result in plenty. On paper at least, their plans made some sense. The new stuff is all mystery and magic. If people chant certain things at certain times or places, then something magical will happen. There is no attempt to create a logic that connects the dots or explains the logic. They just believe.

That is what lies behind the critical race theory business. Read through it and you see there is no plan of action or set of standards to be met. There is no list of things that need to be done or not done. It is a blend of graduate school jargon and feminized encounter sessions. If everyone sits in the room and hears the gibberish from the lecturer, somehow the fog of racism will lift. Or maybe it will never lift, and the struggle will continue forever. No one knows or thinks about it.

Antiracism is a mystery cult. The insiders have learned the language and those who refuse to learn the language are the outsiders, the bad people stuck in the white supremacist mindset. That is the appeal of antiracism for the white people joining it. It is grace on the cheap. Learn some catchphrases, attend a seminar, and show some enthusiasm. The prize is you get a black person to bless you and bestow forgiveness. It is the prefect bourgeois religion.

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