We have seen the future, and it sucks.

Stojak: Nationalized Education

7th May 2021

Severian looks at the ‘news’.

Y’all know, of course, that under Stolinism — which is Stalinism with late-stage dementia — there’s no truth in the news and no news in the truth. So with everything put out by The Media, you have to ask yourself, not “What part of this is true?,” but “Why did The Regime choose to publish this?” Everything in The Media is a worked shoot, as they say in rasslin’, an attempt to set an agenda. So you must always ask yourself, what agenda are they setting up?

Here’s an example. It’s from a sports site called “Outkick the Coverage” — recently acquired by Fox Media, which should be your first clue — but it cites reports from The New York Times and “The Daily Wire”… which is Ben Shapiro’s outfit, in case you had any doubts that this is a grift, but the important thing for our purposes is that “The Daily Wire” sells itself as not just “conservative,” but “edgy.” In other words, this must be a serious problem, if the Old Gray Lady of respectable bourgeois Leftism and the most radical of rightwingers agree it’s a problem!!

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