Congress to America: “Eat Dirt and Die”
27th June 2009
Somebody doesn’t like the cap & trade bill.
They passed this shameful fraud because they wanted to get out of town for the July 4th holiday. The rest of us get July 4th off. They get a week or more. In fact, who knows when they’ll return from this recess. Will it be to push through another huge, unread bill, this time on health care? We’re two for two now: the Stimulus Attack and the Energy Fraud.
By the way, one of the features of Cap and Trade is that your local agency for building codes will be by-passed. They’re going to set up a building code bureaucracy in Washington and fill it full of time-servers. Which means you can wait till hell freezes over to get an approval or inspection.
Does this mean your local agency will shut down? Heavens, no! They’ll just be the go-between. You’ll have more hoops to jump through, is all. The Imperial Congress strikes again! Practice your hoop-jumping; it’s a non-productive skill you’ll need to survive in this brave new world.
Recession? No problem! We’ll just destroy what’s left of the economy, so everyone is equally miserable! Your tax dollars at work!