We have seen the future, and it sucks.

Can a “True” Conservatism Be Redeemed After Trump? Maybe — If It Embraces Liberalism

28th March 2021

Salon magazine explains to conservatives what they ought to believe.

It’s not just the bedraggled band of “never Trump” Republican refugees on MSNBC and elsewhere who are endlessly vexed. For four long years, the whole mainstream media sphere has been laced with talk about the need for a healthy GOP, a vibrant two-party system, and a return to true conservative values. Critiques of that system, like Lee Drutman’s “Breaking the Two-Party Doom Loop,” only get a fraction of the attention devoted to these themes. But even more absent is any discussion of what a responsible conservatism might actually look like.

As you might expect, a ‘responsible conservatism’ looks just like … liberalism! My, what a surprise.

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