We have seen the future, and it sucks.

Pandemic Panic – It’s Titanic

12th March 2021

‘It’s every man for himself’: the Texans defying end of mask mandate (The Guardian) And it always has been.

Biden Promises ‘Good Chance’ Friends And Family Can Gather For July 4, But Cautions, ‘Listen To Dr. Fauci’  Who’s been right SO many times before.

The Real Reasons Why Millions Of Americans Will Defy COVID Mandates And Vaccines

The Communitarian Revolt Against Government Lockdowns

Italy Imposes National Lockdown As Mutant COVID Strains Spread

FDA Postpones Inspections Delaying New Drugs and Creating Shortages of Old Drugs

Mark Meadows: ‘Only Thing Consistent About Dr. Fauci Is His Inconsistency’

Ohio Judge Sides With Landlords, Says CDC’s Eviction Moratorium Was Unconstitutional

Norway Investigates Whether AstraZeneca Vaccine Caused Deadly Blood Clots

Dr. Deborah Birx, Trump’s Former Coronavirus Coordinator, to Join Texas Air Purifier Maker


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