We have seen the future, and it sucks.

Guess Who Wishes Bush Was Back

22nd June 2009

David Broder outs the Obama staffers who’d really rather keep running against the Bushitler if they could.

Bush’s silence has made it harder for Obama to keep the public focused on Bush as being responsible for our present difficulties — the weak economy, the unsettled wars, the scandals of Guantanamo and the detainee program.

It is not for lack of trying. Obama regularly reminds the public in his speeches and news conferences of all the problems he inherited from his predecessor. But to reporters covering the White House, those reminders have become familiar boilerplate. And since Bush won’t fight back, they rarely get much coverage.

Disappointing that a columnist of Broder’s stature can’t use the subjunctive properly, but that’s the way it is these days.

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