We have seen the future, and it sucks.

Marjorie Taylor Greene

3rd February 2021

Look, people elect who they want to Congress. That’s the way the system is set up. There is no IQ test – would that there were! – and no education requirement – would that there were! – and, tellingly, no requirement that a doctor certify that they are sane. You get the votes, and if they can’t PROVE you broke the law, you’re in. So all this talk about policing our own or not suitable for public service is a bunch of self-righteous hand-waving. Votes count; sputtering chattering class members do not. That’s the way it works.

Democrats have been electing crooks (Alcee Hastings) and nut-cases (Sheila Jackson Lee) to Congress for decades, not to mention people who deliberately incite violence (Maxine Waters) and people who don’t openly advocate it but who are okay with it when it happens (Kamala Harris and every other member of the Congressional Black Caucus, not to mention The Squad). For them to get all up in arms about Greene is a case of the pot calling the non-stick pan black.

Unless the system changes, the results aren’t going to be any different. A look at who is now in Congress is the greatest argument against democracy as a form of government that I can imagine. The only problem is to demonstrate that some other form of government wouldn’t be as bad or worse. As Bill Buckley famously said, I’d rather be governed by the first 2000 names in the Boston telephone directory than by the 2000 member of the faculty of Harvard University, and I don’t just say that because I’m a Yale man; Yale these days is just as bad.

We have to work with what we’ve got. Dogs bark, but the caravan moves on.

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