We have seen the future, and it sucks.

Today in Trump Derangement Syndrome

24th January 2021

Senate Republican threatens impeachments of past Democratic presidents (The Guardian) I only wish that Republican Senators had the balls to do that.

Trump faces a second impeachment trial. Here’s how it could be different from the first. (CBS News)

Trump deserves a speedy Senate trial and conviction (S.F. Chronicle)

Confessions Of A Deprogrammed Trump Supporter

The D.C. Occupation Will Continue Until Democracy is Saved

Oxford pledged to donate rights to their Covid Vaccine, then sold them to pharma

Elizabeth Warren Claims Trump Told Mob To ‘Go To The Capitol And Invade’  Yet Another Democrat Lie.

Amy Klobuchar: Trump ‘Sent An Angry Mob Down The Mall To Invade The Capitol’  Yet Another Democrat Lie.


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