We have seen the future, and it sucks.

What If Israel Strikes Iran?

13th June 2009

John Bolton thinks the unthinkable.

Actually, there isn’t a lot the Iranians can do.

* They can’t close the straits of Hormuz, because that would get them in a pissing contest with the U.S. Bad move. One carrier-based air strike on their few gasoline refineries and everybody in Iran is either walking or riding donkeys. They know it, we know it, and the only people who don’t know it are the “journalists” whose business it is to know these things.

* They can’t cut oil production, because their economy needs oil revenue worse than the world needs their oil.

* They can’t attack U.S. and allied forces in Iraq and Afghanistan, because they’re already doing that … as much as then can get away with short of getting into a pissing contest with the U.S. (See option 1 supra)

* They can’t launch missile attacks on Israel without giving Israel a beautiful excuse to clean their clocks and reveal what a house of cards the Iranian military actually is.

* They can’t support Hamas and Hezbollah attacks against Israel … because they’re already doing that.

Many argue that Israeli military action will cause Iranians to rally in support of the mullahs’ regime and plunge the region into political chaos.

As if it weren’t already.

One Response to “What If Israel Strikes Iran?”

  1. Sis Says:

    Tactically thinking I’d say this is the best time to do it. Strategically, not so much. But just for a second one can imagine the absolute chaos that would ensue on the streets.