We have seen the future, and it sucks.


30th December 2020

Severian does a little wandering.

I remember the last time a Literally Hitler was turfed out of office. It was 2009, and President Sort-of-God was all set to lead us into the Age of Aquarius. The seas stopped rising, the planet began to heal, and, of course, race relations were never again a problem. All that aside, the real fun was watching the dawning horror in the Left’s eyes as they realized, as a rapper might’ve put it, that presidentin’ be hard, yo. After eight years of blaming every conceivable thing on Literally Hitler, now they’d have to confront the fact that they were in charge, and their coalition of weirdos-who-hate-each-other — previously unified solely by their mutual hate of Literally Hitler — would begin demanding incompatible things. One wonders how the very sane and totally not hysterical young lady who proclaimed her houseplants to be “a tiny national park that Donald Trump can’t destroy” will fare under the Bidenreich?

The link is to David Thompson’s excellent takedown of the original Salon piece, but if you click on it — the Salon piece — you’ll see that it’s illustrated with a stock photo of a very White person. Your houseplants are now safe from the Bad Orange Man, Sugar Tits, but how do you think you, personally, are going to fare under Komrade Kamala? I remember some very sad young wymyns learning some shoulda-been-obvious lessons the last time we put an Angry Negro (if that isn’t redundant) in the big chair. They learned nothing, of course — if they were capable of perceiving the obvious consequences of their actions, they wouldn’t be Leftists — and I don’t expect you will, either… but it’ll be fun watching you suffer.

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