We have seen the future, and it sucks.

Why This Immigrant Opposes Open Borders and Unchecked Mass Migration

30th November 2020

Read it.

I am an immigrant and a naturalized citizen. I came to this country at the age of ten, grew up in a blue-collar immigrant household, was raised around primarily Central-Eastern European and Hispanic working-class immigrants, and ultimately married another immigrant. So, according to the left, I represent a demographic that should support open borders and unchecked mass immigration (both legal and illegal), both out of self-interest and for moral reasons. I see things differently, however, and opt for national sovereignty, secure borders and common-sense immigration policies that benefit the United States and its people.

This stance often elicits shock, anger and sneering from leftists, including pro-illegal alien advocates, cheerleaders for increasing already historically high immigration levels and the radical purveyors of divisive identity politics that attempt to pit immigrants against natives. Many foreign born people who don’t buy into the open borders insanity and believe that rational limits make sense are no doubt eye-rollingly familiar with the hostile reactions.

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