We have seen the future, and it sucks.

Education Reform

17th November 2020

Severian is not a happy camper.

College as I have taught it — and I did it for many, many years — is pretty much nothing but socialization. Not in the sense that you get a bunch of students together and hang out with them — most profs I know, being the kind of socially awkward autistic dorks that make “gamers” seem well-adjusted ladies’ men, would commit suicide first — but in the sense that all the “schoolwork” consists of nothing but recitations of the catechism. You don’t go to college even to learn a skill, much less anything so gassy as “critical thinking.” All you learn is the catechism, how to fill out Social Justice Mad Libs. This isn’t a side-effect of a “college” “education;” it’s the entire point.

One of the chief objections to homeschooling that I have heard from civilians is that their kids will miss ‘socialization’ with their age-group. I usually point out that such brainwashing is one of the chief benefits of homeschooling; do you really want your kid to have to write an essay apologizing for being white (or Asian, ‘honorary white’). They looked stunned and say ‘Oh.’

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