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Special Operations: Chinese Extraction Teams in America

17th November 2020

Read it.

Chinese illegal espionage operations inside the United States were worse than originally thought. Recently the U.S. arrested and charged one American private investigator (Michael McMahon) and seven Chinese citizens. Th charge was operating a secret repatriation effort to coerce fugitives from China to return to China. The victims were usually political opponents who were falsely charged with corruption and faced long prison terms in China. In the past the Chinese have sought to extradite such people. These efforts usually failed when it was discovered that they were political opponents of the government facing false charges to halt their protest activities and discourage others from doing the same. Since the Americans won’t extradite political opponents of the Chinese government the Chinese resorted to trying long distance demands, via email or phone, threatening to jail family members in China if the wanted men, along with wives and children, did not return. It was noted that China was already using illegal repatriation teams in other countries.

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