Ideology IV: Horror Movies
12th November 2020
Severian continues his analysis.
The Sadists (see comments on the below post) have convinced themselves they’re living in a world where the KKK lurks around every corner. Whether they actually believe this is immaterial; they sure act like they do, and that’s what counts. The interesting thing, though, is that the proliferation of social media has made this a horror movie without a villain. Seriously, I ask you: Where are all these “white supremacists” to be found?
It’s not rhetorical. You know, and I know, and everyone with half a brain knows, that there are probably two or three honest-to-god White supremacist groups out there… that have about seventeen members each, nine of which are undercover Feds, and the other eight are informants. The funny thing is, every time they manage to find a real White guy killing an actual Black guy — the officers who arrested Floyd, Rittenhouse, the guys who dinged the original Jogger, George Zimmerman (“White Hispanics” count) — it soon becomes painfully apparent that the Jogger had it coming…