We have seen the future, and it sucks.

Microschools Are a Big Success; the NEA Is Attacking Them for It

20th October 2020

Read it.

Unions really don’t like competition.

One of the few bright spots of 2020 has been the embrace of new educational options for kids. The greatest success has been the “microschool” model, where five to ten students gather in a home and receive instruction from one or more teachers. And the nation’s largest labor union is furious about it.

In a recent poll, about one-third of parents already participate in a learning pod, while over half have either joined or are looking to form one. Teachers love microschools as well, with nearly 70 percent expressing interest in teaching in one.

You would think that a group called the “National Education Association” would be thrilled that so many kids are being educated. You’d be very wrong. The NEA is primarily concerned with the money spigot flowing into traditional public schools. And if public schools bar their doors, they want every child to be left behind.

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