Today in Global Warming Hysteria
14th October 2020
Forget silicon. This material could be a game-changer for solar power
New Design Molten Salt Reactor Is Cheaper To Run, Consumes Nuclear Waste
The Arctic is in a death spiral. How much longer will it exist? (The Guardian)
The Great Barrier Reef has lost half its corals within 3 decades (CNN)
Temperatures of deepest ocean rising quicker than previously thought (The Guardian)
Claim: The deep sea is slowly warming
25-Year Study of Nuclear vs Renewables Says One Is Clearly Better at Cutting Emissions
UN Warns Climate Disasters Doubled in the Last 20 Years So we must give more money to the UN!
Where Do the Plastic Bottles Go?
Is wind power’s future in deep water?
The Arctic “Death Spiral”: Lamenting the Collapse of a 4000 Year Old Ice Shelf
The Automatic Climate Lawsuit Generator