We have seen the future, and it sucks.

Fort Hood Commander Loses Post, Denied Transfer After Incidents at Army Base

2nd September 2020

Read it.

The commander of the U.S. Army’s Fort Hood is being removed from his position and will no longer assume command of a division at Fort Bliss, according to a U.S. Army statement released Tuesday.

Maj. Gen. Scott Efflandt was set to take over the 1st Armored Division soon. Now the Army will announce who will take over the division in the coming days. Division commander is a critical step in an Army general’s career and losing a division can be a career-ending move.

One Response to “Fort Hood Commander Loses Post, Denied Transfer After Incidents at Army Base”

  1. RealRick Says:

    The way this was announced makes it pretty clear that the DOD is sending a message to all of it’s commanders.

    Ft. Hood, which could get re-named Ft. Barbara Streisand when Biden gets elected, is a HUGE place. If you compare the crime and suicide issues to a similar sized city, it would look extraordinarily good. However, some of the things going on clearly show that it’s not running up to military standards. The new commander will be expected to get things under control and keep them there. Not a small task by any definition.

    Unfortunately, what will probably happen will not be increased discipline and engagement by the leadership, but instead an increasing number of PowerPoint presentations and “charm school” meetings, along with a few thousand rules on how not to offend anyone.