Today in Black Privilege
25th June 2020
Pew Analysis Shows Only 1 In 6 BLM Protesters Are Black
Boston City Council Bans Facial Recognition Technology, Cites Racial Profiling Concerns
How the NYT Spins NASCAR’s Wild Noose Chase
Minneapolis Man Regrets Calling The Cops On Two Teens Who Mugged Him At Gun Point
BREAKING: MSNBC Expected to Name Joy Reid as Host of ‘Hardball’ Time Slot
Fake Noose And Our Imaginary Noose Problem
Racial Politics at the L.A. Times
Mashable Publishes An Instruction Guide For Statue Toppling
The Washington Post’s Bubba Wallace Conspiracy Theory, by Steve Sailer
Not from the Babylon Bee, by Steve Sailer
Sharpton: Confederate Statues Not ‘History We Want to Salute’
MSNBC Turns to Race Baiter Al Sharpton to Reject FBI’s Conclusion in NASCAR
Understating Black-on-Black Murders
BET Founder Says “Black People Laugh At White People” Toppling Statues
CBS & NBC DENYING Reality of No NASCAR Hate Crime
The Dixie Chicks Change Name To Exclude The Word Dixie Amid Heightened Discussions Of Racism
Nearly 200 Protest ‘Racist’ Gay Bar Dress Code Copied From Pittsburgh Public School
Mastercard Changes Name To Equalitycard Babylon Bee.
4 Things the Liberal Media Won’t Tell You About Black Lives Matter
Racist Who Led 1619 Project Demands Reparations
Black Vigilance Becomes Armed Vigilantism in Atlanta’s Streets
Army To Stop Using Soldier Photos On Records As Part Of New Project Inclusion