We have seen the future, and it sucks.

A Crisis of Competence

24th June 2020

Severian shakes his head.

Far be it from me to suggest that Mr. Wallace, who evidently isn’t very good at racing*, reported the “noose” himself as a cheap publicity stunt. If anything, my money would be on NASCAR itself reporting it. They’ve gotten some bad publicity of late, and what better way to jump ahead of the Ostentatious Twitter Virtue Parade than calling the FBI on themselves?

(Actually, I really do kinda hope they did this. You’ve evidently decided that “people who hate the kind of people who would actually watch NASCAR” are your real audience — as opposed to, say, folks who actually enjoy watching car racing — and nothing gets their thighs moist faster than a good racial hoax. Slick marketing, guys. But I digress…)

Rather, the interesting thing here is the information, presented as a throwaway in one of the “news” stories, that the FBI team investigating the fake noose had fifteen guys. Fifteen!!!

UPDATE: ZMan chips in.

There is a strong possibility that the truth is something different. These facilities are not open to the public. They have lots of security. In this age that means cameras recording everything that moves 24-hours per day. There is a good chance the footage made clear that there was never a noose in the garage, so they quickly came up with the story about the garage door pull-downs. It’s better to be thought a moron than to having to admit to being a fraudster. Just look at Jussie Smollett.

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