We have seen the future, and it sucks.

Why You Hate Contemporary Architecture … And if you don’t, why you should…

20th June 2020

Read it.

he British author Douglas Adams had this to say about airports: “Airports are ugly. Some are very ugly. Some attain a degree of ugliness that can only be the result of special effort.” Sadly, this truth is not applicable merely to airports: it can also be said of most contemporary architecture.


The fact is, contemporary architecture gives most regular humans the heebie-jeebies. Try telling that to architects and their acolytes, though, and you’ll get an earful about why your feeling is misguided, the product of some embarrassing misconception about architectural principles. One defense, typically, is that these eyesores are, in reality, incredible feats of engineering. After all, “blobitecture”—which, we regret to say, is a real school of contemporary architecture—is created using complicated computer-driven algorithms! You may think the ensuing blob-structure looks like a tentacled turd, or a crumpled kleenex, but that’s because you don’t have an architect’s trained eye.

Said training is a bug, not a feature.

The authors appears to believe that the current excrescent architecture is somehow the fault of ‘capitalism’, which version unspecified, and that causes me to scratch my head — capitalism? No, proglodyte public fascism, continuing the tradition of Soviet brutalism. Geez.

One Response to “Why You Hate Contemporary Architecture … And if you don’t, why you should…”

  1. RealRick Says:

    I can’t believe the Douglass Adams quote left off the best part. It begins: “It can hardly be a coincidence that no language on Earth has ever produced the expression “As pretty as an airport.” ….