We have seen the future, and it sucks.

Coastlines and Liberalism

22nd April 2009

Steve Sailer is always worth reading.

Also, as my theory of Affordable Family Formation would predict, Santa Monica is famously liberal — e.g., the joke about it being the People’s Republic of Santa Monica. Jane Fonda’s ex-husband Tom Hayden represented the Santa Monica area in the state legislature for 18 years. Republican “family values” campaign themes don’t go over big in Santa Monica. The people who raise kids in Santa Monica can afford to insulate them with private schools, tutors, and all the rest. They don’t need politicians’ help in making it a little easier to raise their kids.

One Response to “Coastlines and Liberalism”

  1. Sis Says:

    I’m surprised Steve doesn’t realize that liberals don’t like to live in the South, even for proximity to a beach. Given his penchant for making shocking observations, I’m surprised he didn’t comment on how liberals don’t like to live near the sort of black people who live on the Gulf Coast. Seal and the Obamas — fine, they’re rich and famous. Clarence the hardworking black guy who mows lawns and fishes on the weekends to put his five girls through college — nah. Not fashionable. He was a fine man, and all five of his girls got their degrees with high honors. I’m glad I knew him. On the other hand I wouldn’t cross the street to meet either of the Obamas, who wouldn’t live with that sort of black people, either.