We have seen the future, and it sucks.

No Lockdown on Murder

29th May 2020

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Many human activities were curtailed in America during Memorial Day weekend due to the Wuhan coronavirus. However, murder in Baltimore, Chicago, and Washington D.C. weren’t among them.

In Baltimore, there were eight killings over the weekend, even though residents were under orders to stay home due to the pandemic. Four additional people were injured in the shootings.

According to police, several of the victims had previously been convicted of attempted murder. In a properly functioning justice system, these victims would have been incarcerated.

Chicago topped Baltimore. It suffered nine killings, with 27 more wounded, over the weekend. This was Chicago’s deadliest Memorial Day weekend since 2015.

Washington, D.C. got off easy. Only three people were shot to death over the weekend.

This is one reason why people are moving from Blue states to Red states.

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