We have seen the future, and it sucks.

Why Won’t Local Governments Just Increase The Length Of Yellow Lights?

18th April 2009

Read it.

Yet, many governments have been doing the exact opposite: putting lives at risk, just to bring in more revenue (often to pay off those private companies that installed the cameras). On top of that, there are still plenty of locations that don’t leave any pause between switching lights between cross traffic. Here in California, for example, it’s quite rare for there to be any pause between a light turning red in one direction, and the perpendicular traffic light turning green. Studies have shown that a slight pause — where all directions are red — decreases the number of accidents as well. And yet… governments focus on using traffic cameras solely to increase revenue.

Insert your favorite conspiracy theory here:

Any theory has to include an explanation for HOV lanes — not a high bar.

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