Biden and Dodd: a Stupidity Sandwich
1st May 2020
Kevin Williamson shoots some fish in a barrel.
I’ll get into this at more length later, but there’s a problem with Joe Biden’s naming Chris Dodd to run his vice-presidential search beyond the obvious waitress-sandwich stuff.
The Democrats talk a pretty good “diversity” game, but think about what that really looks like in a party where the bosses are rich and white and the voters are less affluent and less white. Joe Biden, an eternal party hack and white-guy visitor from the age of black-and-white television, pledges to name a woman to the VP spot. Okay — which woman? The woman recommended to him by Chris Dodd, eternal party hack and white-guy visitor from the age of black-and-white television.
The obvious conclusion to be drawn from the various contortions now underway by the Democrats and their mouthpieces in the national ‘press’ is that it’s all bunkum; what they say they do not mean, and what they mean is the same old shell game they always play when it comes to electoral politics. The only surprise is that their shenanigans are as successful as they continually prove to be — one would think that their ‘base’ would eventually wise up to the fact that they are being fleeced and refuse to submit to it.