We have seen the future, and it sucks.

The Recall of Governor Ralph Northam of Virginia

25th April 2020

Read it.

We need to Recall Governor Ralph Northam from the office because he is attempting to take away our 2nd amendment rights. He has signed 5 new gun laws to try and limit people from buying and owning guns and has 2 more in pending to be signed very soon. We need to get him out before Virginia citizens can no longer own a gun.. We must fight for our 2nd amendment rights and step up as virginians to make this happen. Please sign the petition and help our declining state from this monster.

He has also made it legal for women to to have an abortion up to 36 weeks pregnant.

He has also allowed Undocumented Citizens the right to vote which could rig the election polls.

Well, that’s what happens when Democrats run your state.

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