We have seen the future, and it sucks.

As If You Needed Another Reason Never to Vote for Democrats Again …

27th March 2020

The Other McCain points the finger.

After the shrieking tantrum Rep. Haley Stevens threw on the floor of the House of Representatives today, I would have thought that congressional Democrats — you know, the ones who wasted a week delaying passage of this emergency legislation — could not do worse. But of course, I had forgotten about Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez….

Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez is a bad person, and everyone who voted Democrat in 2018 is responsible for the influence this idiot has in Congress. That’s how political parties function, you see — every vote for any political party helps to empower the worst elements of that party. There are Republicans I find obnoxious, and deplore their influence in our public affairs, but when you compare the two parties, why does it seem the Democrats have a monopoly on dangerous idiots like the arm-waving, finger-pointing Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez?

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