We have seen the future, and it sucks.

Here’s the Food People Refuse to Buy Even During a Pandemic

26th March 2020

Read it.

People began sharing pictures on social media of what items were left behind after the shopping surge. The foods — such as cauliflower crust pizza or chocolate hummus — and the empty shelves once stocked with more appetizing foods are juxtaposed.

2 Responses to “Here’s the Food People Refuse to Buy Even During a Pandemic”

  1. RealRick Says:

    I think everyone who has entered a grocery store during this insanity has noticed that there are foods on the shelf that defy even those who fear starvation.

    I’m reminded of a friend who fought in Vietnam talking about their rations. Certain things – peaches, “beanie-weiners” – were in high demand while other things nobody wanted. At the bottom of the scale was canned bread. (The DOD may have gotten the recipe from the German military which used sawdust to stretch out their wheat supplies.) As soldiers were being trucked through poor villages, the kids would come out and beg for food. GIs would sometimes toss them their canned bread, and the Vietnamese kids would often curse and throw the cans back.

  2. Tim of Angle Says:

    And there’s always that perennial military favorite, SOS.