We have seen the future, and it sucks.

Liar, Liar, Hair on Fire….

27th February 2020

Looking at the news recently, I see a very ugly picture forming: The Democrat ruling class, along with their propaganda wing in the DemLegHump Media, are trying (a) to panic everybody about the Coming Coronavirus Apocalypse (‘Pull your kids out of school! Don’t go to work! Stay home and shiver in the dark!) and (b) undercut so far as they can public confidence in the Trump administration’s ability to handle the coronavirus problem while attempting to superglue Trump to Bush’s problems with Hurricane Katrina.

I suspect that they’re trying, insofar as they can, to tank the economy before the election in order to blacken one of Trumps chief accomplishments. The Wall Street clerisy has been dooming & glooming ever since Trump got elected — WE’RE ALL GONNA DIE! THE STOCK MARKET WILL EVAPORATE! POLAR BEARS WILL BE WANDERING BROADWAY LOOKING FOR NEW HOMES! — and now they can say See I Told You So until their throats get hoarse.

I suspect it’s going to get uglier before we see the sun again.

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