We have seen the future, and it sucks.

Today in Trump Derangement Syndrome

6th January 2020

Trump’s Michael Corleone moment in the Middle East Washington Post.

Democrats Hate Trump So Much They’re Siding With Iran

GOP Raises Tens of Millions off Trump Impeachment

Pelosi: House To Introduce ‘War Powers Resolution’ To Limit Trump In Iran  Which will go nowhere.

Study: Trump Was TV News’s Biggest ‘Outrage’ in 2019

BARR: Look For Democrats To Make Soleimani’s Death The Newest Impeachable Offense

Bruce Ohr Covered Up Anti-Trump Crusade To Distribute Steele Dossier

Yale Psychiatrist Calls On Pelosi To Put “A Mental Health Hold” On Trump

‘Witch’ plots ‘death ritual’ against Trump to stop war with Iran  No, it’s not Pelosi.

Trump’s Sin: Conducting Foreign Policy Without Permission

KASSAM: Democrats Supported Obama Killing Americans With Drones, But Take Issue With Trump Killing Terrorists

Hey, Let’s Go Through the Whole Impeachment Thing Again

‘Iran Could Threaten Trump Hotels’: Ilhan Omar Warns Of War With Iran, Blasts Trump

‘View’ Berates Trump for Strike Killing ‘So-Called Threat’ Soleimani: ‘Distraction’ From Impeachment  In the contrary, the impeachment was a distraction from killing a threat; fortunately, Trump isn’t as easily distracted from what he’s supposed to be doing as those on the Left.


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